Saturday, November 10, 2007

Gotta quesion? service

Just thought I'd post up one of the recent questions we received to our Gotta question? service ( The question was passed on to the Exchange service run by Greening Australia as this is one of the areas they specialise in.

What is the proper density (per sqr metres) required for establishing a new riparian vegetated zone comprising a diversity of trees, shrubs and groundcover?

Other question topics include:
  • roadside vegetation management policy and management guidelines for local governments
  • Envirofund money provided in the Wet Tropics
  • Land & Water Australia's knowledge and adoption program
  • what research has been done on serrated tussock management.
The service is FREE to NRM professionals - so if you have a question about anything NRM-related and can't find answers or papers or other information, do let us know!
